
Mary Shanley

Mary Shanley began publishing her poetry in 1984, at the behest of Allen Ginsberg and Lucien Carr. Mary’s first poems were published in Long Shot Literary and Arts Magazine, co-founded by Danny Shot, Eliot Katz and Allen Ginsberg. She has a long history with this publication and edited, with Danny Shot, Long Shot Volume 10, AIDS in America.

 Mary Shanley wrote and performed, “The Renegade Priestess of Soul,” at the Poetry Project in 1992.

Fast Talk and Glowing Air

By Mary Shanley

Fast Talk and Glowing Air

Book Of Poetry

Side Street Press   


By Mary Shanley

Poems For Faces

Book Of Poetry

Side Street Press                    


By Mary Shanley

Hobo Code Poems

Book Of Poetry

Hobo Code Poems – Vox Pop Publications

Things They Left Behind

By Mary Shanley

Things They Left Behind

Book Of Poetry

Side Street Press    

Mott St. Stories and Las Vegas Stories

By Mary Shanley

Mott St. Stories and Las Vegas Stories

Book Of Poetry

Side Street Press    

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Upcoming Events

November 14, 2022

Poetry Reading, Book Signing • NYC

Reading at Shades of Green, 125  East 15th Street, NYC

Performance time: 6:30 at Shades of Green

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Bullet in His Head

Bullet in His Head

Bullet in His Head by Mary Shanley He walked around for thirty five years with a bullet in his head. When he was informed about the projectile, after a  CAT scan, he laughed it off.   Said it must have happened when he was crazy on drugs. Said it must have...



Rilke by Mary Shanley   Rainer continuously rearranged himself. As he shed layers of historical definition he eventually received glimpses of the beauty of his inner world and his larger connection to life. Though he was surely blessed, his evolution and inevitable...

Forget About It

Forget About It

Forget about It by Mary Shanley I feel this burning under my left armpit and begin to worry that the chemicals in my deodorant are causing   cancer. I wonder how much longer I have until I begin to waste away?   But then I forget about it   and head...

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